Religious Education
At St Matthias, we follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus 2020, delivering a spiral curriculum for children to build upon prior knowledge, skills and experience by providing them with the opportunities to develop their own sense of spirituality.
Religious Education lessons enable children to have rich and informed discussions about religions and non-religious world-wide views in a safe space, so they can explore and develop their understanding of people, cultures, faiths and relationships.
Our Christian vision is the heartbeat of our daily lives at school and embedded within our curriculum.
In Religious Education lessons, we encourage children to aspire to demonstrate the best version of themselves by respecting others and valuing their opinions and beliefs.
We, as a school family, believe that we all have distinctive gifts to enable us to contribute, flourish and grow as a unique individuals and children of God. Religious Education lessons provide a context of trust where children and adults learn together, listen to each other and show mutual respect.
Religious Education lessons at St Matthias, guide our school community to achieve their goals through engaging in lessons, working collaboratively with peers and have opportunities to explore the big questions of life, make connections in their learning about world faiths, so they can make positive contributions, listen carefully to others and respond with respect, passion and knowledgeable opinions.
Our Religious Education lessons are interactive and engaging curriculum using a variety of creative techniques such as dance, drama, music, art, poetry and Godly Play. We endeavour to increase children’s cultural capital through guest speakers, visits and workshops at St Matthias Church thus providing an enriching RE curriculum for all.
Knowledge Organisors
7th September - 16th December 2023
3rd January - 31st March 2023
Summer Term
17th April - 21st July 2023