Her Majesty The Queen

It is with great sadness that we express our deepest sympathies for the passing of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and our thoughts and condolences go to her family at this very difficult time. Her dedication to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and to her other realms and territories is unparalleled and we thank her for her service.
St Matthias will observe the mourning period but continue to support our pupils, families and staff. Unless otherwise stated, please assume scheduled activities and events we have planned will continue, along with remembering Her Majesty the Queen and exploring her work and life in our classes in an age appropriate way. We will observe the national holiday for Her Majesty’s funeral when the date is released, which means school will be closed that day, but outside of this, school hours will continue as normal.
Remembering Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Yesterday we all received the news from Buckingham Palace of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Today, in school we shared a special Collective Worship remembering her life and taking the opportunity to thank God for all she did to serve this country, our schools, the education system, our wider Church and community. Queen Elizabeth II was the UK’s longest-serving monarch, she came to the throne in 1952 and has served her country for 70 years, celebrating her Platinum Jubilee this year, 2022. She was also the 54 nations of the Commonwealth monarch and sovereign during the 70 years. She has worked tirelessly for our country declaring on her Coronation ‘I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to service… God help me to make good my vow and God bless all of you who are willing to share in it.’
From Luke 2:29 ‘Now let your servant depart in peace.’
When we think about our school vision it deeply reflects the life she led following God’s example and being the very best Queen and Sovereign she could be. She made a difference to many people across the world and used the gifts God gave her to make a truly positive contribution.
‘Our school family values us all as unique individuals and children of God.
We aspire to be the best version of ourselves; believing that through the gifts God has given us, we can make a positive contribution, flourish and achieve together to make a difference in our ever-changing world.’